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  Tuesday August 22nd, 2006

SUBJECT: Busy but happy.

More of a diary entry today. Just wanted to make sure I keep up with my blogging.

We are moved into our new place and enjoying it but haven't gotten pictures up yet since we've both been vary busy. The drive to work is about five minutes for Melissa and about twelve minutes for me. Melissa leaves usually before 7:30a and I leave between 7:45a and 8:00a. My work day end around 5:00p but many times I'm there until 6:00p. Since Melissa gets home close to 4:30p (maybe earlier) she's been enjoying using her new Pampered Chef stuff and has dinner made by the time I get home.

Last weekend we went camping near Staunton (Stan' Ton). The weather there was about 75 degrees and the plan was to do NOTHING! It was very enjoyable. One thing we knew about but didn't plan for was exploring a cave. I wish I would have brought my camera to take a picture of the enterance because you wouldn't believe it if I tried to explain it.

The weekend prior to camping I spent Saturday with the Crawley family doing some vehicle maintenance and a little bit of wheeling. Now my 4-wheel drive motorcycle is even more official. To fix the exhaust we used a chrome exhaust pipe from a harley.
Next maintenance is to flush my tranny in the Explorer and get new tires for both the Explorer and the Civic, yes our 2005 Honda Civic needs new tires already after only 1 year, 25,000 miles.


Post# 36

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